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How is your offer used?

Your donation is intended for the church's social projects with children; the families of missionaries who are in different nations; commitments with companies that supply electricity, telephone, water, etc.; to investments and improvements in our Temples and in the care of our team of Pastors and collaborators at Headquarters and Congregations.

Will I be offering to my Congregation through the Site?

  • Yes. For this to be possible, after making your contribution, send your receipt to and identify it with the name of your Congregation or give it to the Supervisor, so your offer will be computed from your Local Church.


  • If you congregate in our HEADQUARTERS Church or are offering from other locations, just send your receipt to our treasury through the email


  • If your contribution is made via bank slip, it may take around 3 days from payment to identify.


Bank Transfer / PIX
or Deposit.

PIX: CNPJ: 07.836.612/0001-68


Bradesco Bank

Branch 3456 - C/C 10500-7

CNPJ: 07.836.612/0001-68

Evangelical Church Assembly of God Min. Templo Central


Federal Savings Bank

Branch 0751 - C/C 2811-6 Operation 003

CNPJ: 07.836.612/0001-68

Evangelical Church Assembly of God Min. Templo Central


Bank: 290 – PagSeguro Internet SA

Branch 00001/ Account No.: 08817213-5

Type: Payment Account

CNPJ: 07.836.612/0001-68

Evangelical Church Assembly of God Min. Templo Central

Rua Tereza Cristina, 673 - Center - Fortaleza, Ceará  |  |  Tel: (85) 4008 5200

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